How’d I Land a Job in London?

Answering a few questions in Q&A style for my new journey in London. Read more on my experience landing an international placement below!

How did I get this role in London?

I am a participant of the ACE marketing rotational program for new grads at Microsoft. The program is 2 years split into 1 year spent in 2 separate roles. My first year was spent on the Digital Stores team, focused on Once it was time to rotate, I considered all of the role options presented. I asked myself what I wanted to learn next and how I would want to be challenged. Read more on the other questions I asked myself before a role change here.

When I came across the field marketing role on the list, I viewed it as a key experience I did not want to pass up. Many of the top marketers had experience working in the field, meaning they worked directly with partners, sellers, and customers. This type of role is scrappy, fast-paced, and numbers-driven.

I prayed on it. I am a firm believer that if it is meant for me right now, God will give it to me. If not, the door will remain closed.

I researched and conducted informational interviews with both the manager and the current ACE in the role. I asked the manager about their management style, role expectations, and outlook on the first 30 days. I asked the current ACE about her responsibilities, skills needed to succeed, and struggle areas.

After determining the role may be a fit, I applied.

I was selected for 3 rounds of interviews with the director, a teammate, and the manager over the ACE program.

I was given the offer!

My second year is a bit unique because it is split in half between time spent on the Corporate field marketing team and the field: UK subsidiary business group team. Imagine the “field” as leaders in subsidiaries (different regions or locations not in Corporate/HQ) who are using Corporate resources to secure customers for specific products/services and meet revenue goals.

How long will I be in this London role?

5.5 months (March to Mid-August)

What do I do?

First, I’d like to remind you that titles do not matter. Over half of us have the same title and do completely different things. Don’t be fooled! My title: Field Product Marketing Manager. I support two products: Azure VMWare Solution (AVS) and Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). These are two technical products that took me a long time to understand their capabilities.

Here’s a mini map to help illustrate my job.

Azure Marketing (Corp) ——— Field Marketing ——— Sellers & Partners ——— Customers

During my first 6 months, I was on the Azure marketing team, supporting the Field Marketing leads for 14 regions globally. A few of my responsibilities:

  • Collaborated with Corporate stakeholders and represent the needs of AVD at both the local (field) and corporate levels, ensuring to identify and share best practices globally.

  • Led monthly calls and conducted 1:1 calls to share resources, respond to inquiries, and gain feedback.

  • Presented to leadership on upcoming event launches and campaigns.

  • Prepared monthly newsletters for marketing updates and highlight essential tools for the field.

  • Support creation and launch for Corporate events and assign budget to regions to duplicate the same event locally.

And more...

For the remaining months in my international placement, I will be in the Azure Business Group for Field Marketing. I will be supporting the Sellers and Partners to gain Azure Customers and generate revenue. I’ll be learning how the field works and identify opportunities to drive impact in a local market for my two products.

I’ve been in this role less than a month, so more details to come on what I will achieve in this role!

Am I the only American on my team?

No. There happens to be another American team member who is from Washington. She is amazing!

In these first few weeks, I am facing any learning curves?

Yes. I am juggling three things at once: starting a new role, living in a new country, and trying to understand the cultural differences.

When I first arrived, I assumed it would be easy to understand their speech since it is the English language. I was wrong. There have been countless times where I had to ask for someone to repeat what they had said. I felt a bit embarrassed.

I also have noticed how the European work environment feels more laidback than corporate America. 8 am starts and 40 hour work weeks are no longer in my weekly routine. When greeting people at meetings, I was surprised to see that there have been more handshakes and even hugs. I can’t forget about the increased amount of tea I’ve been drinking either!

Working in the field is very different in comparison to marketing. The field is more executional and actions are taken quickly without long lines of people approvals. Revenue numbers and the count of new customers is significant in determining progression and highlighting roadblocks needed to be fixed. While in marketing, there was more of a focus on engagement metrics (ex. click-through rate, comments, shares, etc.) and strategies to connect with customers. I realized that I have to learn how to interpret the numbers, work with sellers, and build confidence with Microsoft partners to reach the revenue targets.

How is transportation different than back in Seattle?

I no longer drive since the London’s driver’s seat is on the right-hand side instead of the left-side in the US. I walk, catch a bus, or take the subway underground.

Do I feel lonely?

Yes. I flew to another country to work on a completely different team. I had no friends or family in the UK. Before traveling, I tried to mentally prepare myself for being alone for a good chunk of time. Making friends and building a community takes time and I want it to happen organically.

To combat the loneliness, I have joined a Pilates studio and attend 2 classes per week. I FaceTime with family and friends almost everyday. I also have connected with other young professionals at Microsoft for coffee chats and happy hours.

Do I plan to travel to other European countries?

Yes! A few on my list:

  • France

  • Italy

  • Morocco

  • Greece

And a few more will be added once the trips are solidified.

Have any more questions for me? Comment below!