Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021 ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ

2020 was a tough year for everyone. 

I cannot illustrate the hardships faced. Although this was a longer period of time to deal with difficult challenges, I still hold on to my gratitude. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for having all of my family members that I came into 2020 with. I am grateful for the ability to begin my career at Microsoft. I am grateful for a home to stay in until I am ready to move.

When reflecting on 2020 and thinking about my future, I chose my focus word for 2021 to be: Live. 

Next year, I want to live my life with intention and in the way I want it to be. I do not want to allow others to pull me back from my passions, priorities or commitments. If I feel a nudge in my heart to go for something, I plan to do it.

At times, I think New Year's Resolutions are unrealistic. Simply due to the fact that most people forget about them by the halfway point of the year. But I still feel a pull to write down yearly goals to begin a new chapter with guidance and a positive mindset. These turned out to be my top 7:

1. Build my relationship with God.

This is honestly the priority for every year. In order to fully live my life, I have to spend time with Him and continuously learn. God centers my life and each day is a walk to being a better version of myself. I would like to begin more mornings by reading the Word, journaling, and praying. These periods of time grant clarity for the remainder of the day.

2. Strengthen my financial knowledge and decision making. 

 My core areas are to build credit, reduce debt, and grow savings. Outside of these, I want to expand my knowledge in investing and rental property management. One day, I want to be a millionaire. I donโ€™t believe in simply saying it but taking actions to accomplish it. There is an abundance of information to learn and decide on what best fits my personal financial path. I have my first meeting with a financial planner next week. 

3. Keep learning. 

This one is short and sweet. I want to keep learning new things everyday. Majority of my learning is derived from podcasts and YouTube videos. I want to expand into reading books, tuning into motivational speakers, and hopping into conversations via the app, Clubhouse. I started my first book this past month: Obsessed by Emily Heyward. 

4. Prioritize my health- physically, spiritually and mentally.

My health is what keeps me going every single day. Due to COVID-19, I discontinued my 1-on-1 physical training for my third month so the pressure is on for me to utilize my home basement gym. My spiritual health is dependent on my time spent with God. My mental health can flourish through acts of self-care and also therapy sessions I still need to enroll in!

5. Maintain and grow stronger relationships with family and friends.

Due to COVID-19, my plans to move to Seattle after graduation changed. I spent way more time with family and friends. I realized the value of time and how much I needed to dedicate toward the people who care about me the most. Every 2-4 weeks, I want to shoot a text or call a few family members and friends I may not chat with often. 

6. Grow in my career and give full effort.

I began my career at Microsoft at the end of August 2020. Over the past few months, I have learned SO SO SO much. In my role, I want to develop and grow as a marketer. I plan to always keep an open mind, ask questions, and network with other professionals. My career path is unique to me and always will be.

7. Nurture my passions and self-interests. 

Outside of work, I still want to grow in the things I love. Finding a balance between the two is not easy but it is possible. A few of my interests include personal/career development, fashion, and blogging. I tend to pick these things up in random spurts of time throughout the week. This year, I want to develop a routine to incorporate my passions into my daily life. 

Well, thatโ€™s a wrap on my goals for this year! 2020 thank you for the push. 2021 I look forward to what you will bring me.